Located in quaint downtown Petaluma, California.
Offers many levels of production.
Very reasonable rates!
Digidesign Pro Tools HD 2 Accel system
192 I/O Audio Interface (16 analog in, 8 analog out)
Avid HD OmniAudio Interface (4 analog in, 8 analog 8 out)
Dangerous Music D-Box Summing Mixer and Console Center Section
Focal CMS 65 Powered Studio Monitors
Mackie HR626 Powered Studio Monitors
KRK Rokit 5 Powered Studio Monitors
(see below for headphones)
1 x Universal Audio 2-610 2 Channel Tube Mic Pre
1 x Phoenix Audio DRS-1 Mic Pre
1 x Phoenix Audio DRS-2 2 channel Mic Pre
1 x Spectrasonics 110 4 channel Mic Pre
1 x Universal Audio 610 Tube Mic Pre
2 x TNC ACMP-73 Neve 1073 Clone Mic Pre/EQ
1 x Quad 8 Neve Clone 2 channel Mic Pre
1 x Warm Audio WA-412 4 channel API style Mic Pre
1 x Yamaha MLA8 8 channel Mic Pre
2 x Aphex 107 Mic Pre
Radial Pro DI
Radial Pro Reamp
Stam Audio SA-4000 Stereo Buss Compressor
Urei LA-4A (with Alactronics mods)
Empirical Labs Distressor
Klark Teknik 76-KY
Klark Teknik KY-2A
2 x Aphex 651
2 x Neumann KM184
2 x Beyer M160
1 x Mojave MA-300
1 x Royer R-101
1 x Shure SM-7
1 x Shure SM-57
1 x Warm WA-47
1 x Roswell Mini K47 KD
2 x Shure Beta-58
1 x Beyerdynamic M300N
1 x EV RE20
1 x EV 635a
2 x Sennheiser 421
1 x Rode K2
1 x Audix D6
2 x Michael Joly v250
1 x AKG D125
1 x AKG D1200
1 x Oktava MKL-2500
2 x Oktava MK-012
1 x Studio Projects C1
1 x Shure Green Bullet
2 x Shure 565D Unisphere 1
2 x AKG K240 headphones
2 x AKG K92 headphones
1 x Sennheiser HD650 headphones
1 x Sennheiser HD558 headphones
Rolls RA62 Headphone Amp
Huge assortment of new and vintage guitars/basses by Gibson, Fender, Gretsch, Martin, Danelectro, Harmony, Silvertone, Hamer, Ibanez, Stella, National, and many more..
Huge assortment of boutique and vintage tube amps by Fender, Marshall, Ampeg, Dr. Z, Vox, Savage, Kalamazoo, Veteran, Brown Note...
Tons of boutique and vintage effects by Fulltone, Boss, Ibanez, Vertex, VooDoo Lab, Creation Audio Labs, Strymon, Prescription Electronics, MXR...too many to list...
Vintage 70's Rogers Drum Set
Vintage Baldwin Organ